1. Abstract
Our idea is to shape the food production in a world where lasting energy generation and the saving of resources are more important than ever.
This is why we, Team "EcoRegar", want to develop a complete solution for the irrigation of plantations. We want to use new technologies to not only save water, but also reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Our solution is special in that it is an independent gadget, i.e. the energy that is required for the water pumps shall exclusively be generated through solar energy. In cases of shortage or abundance of energy, there is a connection to the power grid in order to either receive or inject energy. Our project targets sunny areas like southern Europe and South America because of the aforementioned generation of solar energy. Fittingly, the Cooperate State University Heidenheim has good contacts with universities in Mexico and Egypt.
2. Introduction
The question of sustainability is one of the most important of our time. How can we ensure the durability of both a healthy environment and sufficient resources also for subsequent generations? The energy turnaround is meant to replace conventional power generation in Germany. Renewable energies like solar and wind energy are believed to solve the question of sustainability. This approach has only partly found its way into the branch of food production. The potential remains unused especially in southern areas, from where we obtain great amounts of fruits and vegetables.
3. EcoRegar
3.1 What is EcoRegar?
Ecoregar is a project performed by students of the study path industrial engineering at the DHBW in Heidenheim. It aims at creating a solution to irrigate plantations with a positive energy budget by using solar energy, among others. It was initiated in December 2012 within the context of the local "MPE"-curse (Marktorientierte Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung). After successfully passing the feasibility-study from January to March 2013, there is a realisation phase from October to December 2013, where the teams usually build a prototype, if it fits their topic. Including four exchange students from Mexico and China, the team exists of 15 members.

This is why our idea is to connect the food production with lasting energy generation on plantations. As already stated in the abstract, we want to develop a complete solution for the irrigation of plantations. These solution exists of a combination of features that help to protect the environment through saving water and using solar energy. Both the water management and sustainable cultivation of food fits the purposes of our project.
3.3 Features of our solution
How do we save energy and protect the environment?
With the help of solar energy extraction, the users of our device shall be independent regarding energy and diesel prices as far as possible. Therefore, the energy that is required for the water pumps is generated exclusively through solar energy. For cases of shortage or abundance of energy, there is a connection to the power grid in order to either receive or inject energy.
How do we save water?
Another feature are the hoses that are used with our device. They save precious water through both targeted drip irrigation and a low required working pressure between 0,5 and 4 bar. These hoses are installed subterranean so that the evaporation is reduced to a minium.
Furthermore, the irrigation benefits from a sensor system that is constantly monitoring the soil´s humidity and the ambient temperature in order to apply targeted watering. This way, the plant´s demand for water can be recognized quickly. Accompanied by the optimal control of the pumps, the savings of water and energy add up to a maximum.
Other Advantages
Up to this point, irrigation is mainly performed through sprinkling or drip irrigation. Disadvantages are a high working pressure which damages the plants because of the constant sprinkling. Water drops on the leaves of the plants in sunny areas are also acting like burning lenses that harm the plants even more. Moreover, there is a high humidification in hotter areas leading to a very low efficiency factor. Especially the subterranean drip irrigation does not have this kind of disadvantages. This technology connects the advantages of the conventional drip irrigation with more positive aspects, for example a constant and consistent irrigation, a low working pressure, an optimal dispersion of water and the option to even distribute fertilizer.
3.4 Realisation
Being that the components are already available, the only thing needed is a place to put the construction together and to configure the system as a whole.
Our project targets sunny areas like South Europe and South America because of the aforementioned generating of solar energy. Fittingly, the Cooperate State University Heidenheim has good contacts to the University Zeactec in Leon/Mexico and the German University in Egypt. Additionally, we get supported by a local market gardener in Heidenheim.
3.4.1 Use Cases and Calculator
What are specific details of our solution?
With our contact to a spanish owner of a citrus plantation, we created a use case scenario in the first project phase for his specific area.
Since then, we created more use cases in an idealised way in order to make different examples comparable. All use cases have an area of 1 ha, use the same hoses and water reservoirs along with a few different types of pumps for the specific requirements of the regarding country. With the help of the software Climwat and Cropwat that was made by the FAO[1], we could create use cases for different plants like tomatoes, maize and citrus trees in countries like Mexico, Germany, Israel and Australia.
How do we provide information?
Based on the programming language HTML, we are creating a calculator, that will be implemented in our homepage. Interested parties can give some input about their plantation so that the calculator can figure out different things, like the water requirements, a suitable pump, needed number of solar panels and others. With the input of the annual costs, the users can also find out the payback period for their specific plantation.
The work on the calculator is still in progress. It will be put on the homepage when it is ready and the homepage has been transferred to the server of the DHBW Heidenheim.
3.4.1 Prototype
There was also a calculation regarding a prototype including materials and costs for renting the appropriate area to set the device up. This sums up to an estimated 800€, enabling us to test the idea in a simple and efficient way. This prototype has been realised in the second phase of the project from October to December and is about to be completed by early to mid December. We could install our model at the local market gardener "Huber" in Heidenheim. The purpose is to test our self-made control unit for the targeted irrigation of the plants depending on the humidity and also the supply of the pumps with solar energy:
3.5 Economical concerns
3.5.1 Target Market
Chances of becoming a commercial success are increased by the facts that our idea saves
a) energy because of the own solar technology
and b) water by handling the different amounts of needed water over the course of a day.
Furthermore, this view is encouraged by the energy prices that are rising steadily. This causes owners of plantations to utilize renewable energies like solar energy particularly in countries with high insolation.
3.5.2 Business Case
Until now, the energy for the water pumps is mainly obtained from diesel engines or local power grids. Due to the ever shrinking supply of diesel or energy, an increasing number of plantation owners will put renewable energies into operation in the near future. Our project relies on this technologies growing more and more important in our everyday life. We want to contribute to create an ecofriendly, sustainable and economical solution to water plantations. This circumstances offer a big market potential.
Furthermore, we have conducted a market investigation showing that 65% of the people buying fruit and vegetables would prefer a product with our label saying "irrigated sustainably with solar energy".
4. References
1) http://www.fao.org/nr/water/infores_databases_climwat.html
5. Further Readings
2) http://ecoregar.de/english/index.html