Revision as of 20:31, 24 August 2012 by
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Water means life, and it is the most crucial factor – besides soil and energy – to produce food. Of all production factors, water will become one of the most limiting resources due to climate change and other man-made effects. This is critical in a world that faces further population growth while being confronted with diminishing resources. As of today, fresh water of good quality is scarce in many regions. Profound and in-depth expert knowledge is key to successfully safeguard the supply of water and develop sustainable solutions for its use, but sources of information are dispersed or not accessible at all.
Agriwaterpedia is an initiative to foster the provision of approaches and good practices and to draw data from experiences and lessons learnt from a variety of development countries. The platform is also an instrument to trigger communication and actively promote knowledge exchange.
Agriwaterpedia is a major step to close the knowledge gap and a tool to discuss strategies and challenges related with agricultural water use on a global scale. Initiated by GIZ, it was launched during World Water Week 2012 on 28 August 2012.
However, Agriwaterpedia is still under development. During this stage, you will be able to gather information and knowledge posted by GIZ and to use the working space to get in contact with other experts and share your views and experience.
It is envisaged to fully open the future wiki platform (internet based workingspace) where you will be able to write, create, revise and disseminate articles related to agricultural water management for food security under climate change with regard to development cooperation. The access to knowledge is fostering the nexus approach on water, energy and food security.
The platform is intended to secure crucial knowledge with regard to agricultural water management in the context of climate change and food security and make this knowledge accessible to users worldwide. It provides practitioners and experts in development cooperation with approaches and good practices and draws data from experiences and lessons learnt from a variety of development countries. The platform is also an instrument to trigger communication and actively promote knowledge exchange.
Agriwaterpedia aims at a better integration of expert knowledge for supporting knowledge transfer: for example, functioning approaches to agricultural water management are documented and can be discussed and further developed with relevant actors coming from partner governments, civil society, private industry and energy experts.