Watch Water and Global Change is produced by the EU WATCH project.
EU WATCH stands for WATer and Global CHange. The project brings together academics and other experts in hydrology, water resources and climate change. A total of 25 institutions from 13 European countries are taking part in the project. It is being co-ordinated by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, at Wallingford in the UK.
The participants are combining their skills and resources to produce a better understanding of the global water cycle and more accurate assessments of the risks and uncertainties caused by climate change.
This will help provide policy makers with the best possible advice on water flows, floods and droughts.
Another objective is to make as much data as possible available to the public.
At this stage, the data is historical, showing what has been happening to Rainfall, Surface Run-off, Evaporation and Soil Moisture, over past decades.
The next stage will be to include predictions, based on new modelling techniques developed by members of the WATCH consortium.
The platform is structured by four sections on
- Rainfall
- Freshwater
- Evaporation
- Land and Soil Moisture
Every section includes numerous thematical global and regional maps.
See also
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology