Good Practices by region, Impacts of Climate Change on agricultural water management, Corruption and rentseeking, Adaptation measures for water scarcity, Vegetable pool - Bangladesh, Water Price in Arid Countries, Crop selection and scheduling, The Future of Food Security in the Blue Nile Basin: Rain-fed versus Irrigated Agriculture, Water Development and Allocation, Agriculture and health, Dryland farming, Water, energy and food nexus, Ecosystem services approach, Corporate water risks, Sources of water, Agrobiodiversity and drylands, International policy dialogue, Impacts of agricultural water use on climate change, Water related weeds, Water trading, Rural territorial development, Deficit irrigation, Global water crisis, Water use efficiency, Agrobiodiversity - the Key to Food Security, Cost-benefit-analysis: case study on small-scale dams Hodh el Gharbi / South-Eastern Mauritania, The water footprint of coffee, Central Asia Regional Water Information Base Project (CAREWIB), Small-scale Agriculture on Acid Soils, Gender aspects of agricultural water management, Stakeholders in the water sector, Good Practices by topic, Water sources, Ownership of water, Quinoa, Drainage and irrigation, Foreign direct investments in agriculture, General Circulation Models, Water lifting devices – Central Asia, Water Governance, Transboundary water management, Rainwater harvesting, Water and ecosystems, Water lifting devices, Water user associations, Water Governance and Women, Marginal Water, Water consumption, Land levelling, IWRM, Water stewardship, Small scale irrigation – Kenya, Rain Water harvesting for the adaptation of the Andean agriculture to climate change, Poverty oriented irrigation, Water scarcity, Reuse, Climate Change and private sector opportunities, Water in the Green Economy, Food security, Salinization, Definition and Dimensions of Food Security, Adapting agriculture to climate change, Riverbed farming, Proactive management of flooding and drought, Pastoralist agricultural systems, Climate Change- Framework planning and coordination, Ecosystem-based Adaptation, Water price, Water law and water rights, Multi-purpose dams, Climate Vulnerability
The following 74 pages are in this category, out of 74 total.